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The Data Janitor Letters - March 2020

Data engineering salon. News and interesting reads about the world of data.

The End of Starsky Robotics
Stefan Seltz-Axmacher, CEO, Starsky Robotics

The biggest open secret is that supervised machine learning does not live up to the hype.

We Made SQL Visual - Why and How
Dave Fowler, CEO, Chartio

We don’t pretend to have all the answers, and we’re not done innovating yet—eight in ten is not ten in ten—but it’s worth reflecting on what has worked so far.

Intel x86 Root of Trust: loss of trust
Mark Ermolov, Positive Technologies

Nobody should worry about security anymore if they are virtualizing on shared hardware.

PostgreSQL is the worlds' best database
Kirk Roybal, 2ndQuadrant, PostgreSQL Trainer and DBA

The title is not clickbait or hyperbole.